Ward Williams Associates

Mental Wellbeing – A Focus For WWA

Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day, and with consultancy business Kin and Co recently publishing that 43% of workers across the UK are feeling they are at risk of burnout this winter, it is more imperative than ever to look after our own mental wellbeing.

Over the last few months, our working lives have very quickly gone through more dramatic changes. As we started to return to the office in July, the government advised us to work from home if possible, so WWA has returned to delivering projects remotely.

We are acutely aware that whilst working remotely has a host of benefits for work/life balance, working from home can also, at times, be isolating and could act as a trigger for mental health issues. We understand the importance of communicating with the people around us if we are experiencing any mental health symptoms, especially in the workplace. #peopleplacesplanet

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